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ICJA Peace Center Sievershausen

05.08.2024 - 19.08.2024


Vols: 12

Age: 18-26

Language: English, German


Project: The Peace Studies Center in Sievershausen (Antikriegswerkstatt Sievershausen) was established in the premises of the Sievershausen Lutheran Church community more than 50 years ago. During that time, the Vietnam War escalated. Nowadays there are several buildings, including a guesthouse and the well-known "Anti-War House" with an assembly hall for our events, located in a park-like area along with a church older than 1000 years on the edge of the village. The peace center shows through its diverse program, that peace work has political, historical, educational and cultural aspects. Throughout the year one can visit exhibitions, author readings, lectures and many cultural events. The peace education offers of the seminar area include teaching units, trainings for school classes and church groups on current and historical topics.


Manual and Creative Work: The Peace Studies Center is located on the edge of a former battlefield. An exceptionally bloody battle took place here on a Sunday afternoon in july 471 years ago. Analogous to the well-known motto "swords to ploughshares" we redesign this to "battlefields to playing fields". The participants of the work camp will design elements of this playing field. Anyone who appreciates creative work can work on some piece of art under expert guidance, which is to be developed on the topics of the reconciliation work done by Community of the Coventry Cross of Nails.


Study part: You will learn some essentials of peace work and receive basic training in non-violent conflict management by professional trainers. Moreover, the respect for Human Rights und circumstances of war and climate change is being discussed. We will visit the memorial in the former Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

Volunteers will have the opportunity to meet young people and families in die region, the group will also invite people of the village and region to an “Evening of encounter” (Abend der Begegnung) at the Peace Center.


Leisure Time: For the leisure time, the group can use facilities of the seminar house and take part in excursions to Hannover and Braunschweig.


Accommodation: The accommodation for the participants is offered in rooms with four beds each. There are bed sheets available. Food is prepared together in the kitchen of the seminar house.


Region: The Peace Center is at the verge of a village with about 2500 inhabitants. Sievershausen lies 30 kilometers east of the Lower Saxony provincial capital Hanover on the freeway to Berlin.

 Terminal: Haemelerwald near Lehrte (train from Hannover to Braunschweig), 3 km from the peace center. Nearest airports: Hannover, Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen.

Meeting point and time:

It is highly recommended to arrive latest on 5th of July at 5 pm at station Haemelerwald. You can try to catch a bus to Sievershausen (ask locals) or we can pick you up (tell us your arriving time in confirmation slip).

We will provide you later the camp leader´s phone number.

Venue of the camp:


Kirchweg 4A

31275 Lehrte-Sievershausen



Location map: You can find a map of the location of your workcamp at: Antikriegshaus Sievershausen - Google Maps Please insert the address of the workcamp into search: Kirchweg 4 31275 Lehrte-Sievershausen. Here you will be able to see the map of the location. On the right upper corner of the map, you have options to choose: satellite or hybrid. You also have an option to zoom. Please choose the best map option for you.


Travel Directions:

By plane and train: Fly to Hannover and take the bus from the airport to the main train station Hannover HBF. From there on the ”Regionalexpress” (RB 60 or 70) direction Braunschweig (every hour) and get off at the station ”Hämelerwald”. Please call 0163–8685704 to arrange your transportation to Sievershausen. If you fly to Frankfurt, take the train to Hämelerwald and follow the guidelines above.

By car: A2 Dortmund – Berlin: leave the motorway at Hämelerwald (Nr. 51) follow the signs to Sievershausen.






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und erleben


 Der Friedensort
Antikriegshaus Sievershausen 
ist ein anerkannter Friedensort
Landeskirche Hannovers